Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Multitasking creating...

Hello friends,

If you know me at all then you know that I do everything with multiple layers and multiple meanings. This is due in part to my overly complex nature and my need to resolve things. I tend to have a lot of irons in the fire which makes completing projects challenging. So to resolve this issue and still accomplish everything I want I combine projects. I feel this not only allows me to do more but also gives my art depth and meaning hopefully touching more people. 

If you have been following my blog then you already know that I am taking the Your Living Canvas workshop with Christy Tomlinson and Art McCracken and you have probably noticed that I participate in blog challenges when I can. This post gives you a peek into how my mind works and how I have successfully combined projects.

Lately, I have been fusing my Your Living Canvas journal art with Color Throwdown colors and getting two bangs for my buck. For me journal pages are challenging because I am not a journaler. Coming up with new themes, ideas, and color palettes can be overwhelming and stop me dead in my tracks. Using Color Throwdown's color palettes give me a great boost of inspiration and oftentimes a direction.

Here are the Color Throwdown challenges followed by my journal pages.

Words of Wisdom:
For me all the world is connected and intertwined, everything affecting and being effected by everything else so it is a natural course of progression to showcase that in my art in both large and small ways. If you are feeling like you have taken on too much find some creative ways to combine your tasks and projects. You will feel accomplished and your life and work will have deeper meaning.